
Intellectual Property Policy of 十大hg体育平台注册

Intellectual Property Policy of 十大hg体育平台注册

I. 保单承保的人员.

这项政策适用于所有全日制和非全日制学生 十大hg体育平台注册(“学院”)员工, students working with or without compensation on any project under the direction and control of the 大学; anyone using 大学 facilities or anyone conducting activities under the supervision of 大学 personnel.

II. 属性覆盖.

This policy shall apply to intellectual property of all types regardless of whether subject to protection under patent, 商标, 著作权或其他法律.

3. 财产分类.

  1. Intellectual property created with no 大学 resources, 劳动, 材料, 设施或设备. 第三章中使用的术语“设备”.第三,.B,第四.A和IV.B means equipment other than a college computer with standard software.
  2. Intellectual property created in whole or in part with 大学 resources, 劳动, 材料, 设施或设备.
  3. Intellectual property that results from any activity supported by a grant or contract with federal, 州或地方政府, 或其任何机构, 非营利或营利的非政府实体, 或由私人捐赠给学院.
  4. 根据《十大hg体育平台下载》第17卷第101条的定义,为出租而制作的作品.

IV. 产权与义务.

  1. Intellectual property created with no 大学 resources, 劳动, 材料, 设施或设备 is the exclusive property of the creator(s) and the 大学 has no interest in any such property and no claim to any profit there from.
  2. Intellectual property created in whole or in part with 大学 resources, 劳动, 材料, 设施或设备 is subject to ownership by the 大学.
    1. 之前知识产权所涵盖的三.B is disclosed either to the public or for commercial purposes, 在发布之前, the creator(s) shall 提交 a reasonably complete and detailed disclosure of such intellectual property to the Vice President or Provost responsible for the area of the 大学 from which the intellectual property originates, 或者他们指定的人, 以决定学院的利益.
    2. If the 大学 does not assert its right to ownership of the intellectual property, the creator(s) shall be notified that they are free to obtain and exploit intellectual property protection in their own right and the 大学 shall not have any further rights, 义务或责任,除了, 在某些情况下, 学院可以选择:
      1. retain a non-exclusive, non-revocable, royalty-free license to use the intellectual property;
      2. impose certain limitations or obligations; or
      3. 保留一定的收益权, depending upon the degree of 大学 support involved in the creation of the intellectual property.
    3. With respect to intellectual property in which the 大学 asserts its ownership, 学院将决定如何, when and where the intellectual property is to be protected, and may proceed through its own efforts or those of general counsel, 外部法律顾问, or an appropriate private firm to obtain protection and manage the intellectual property. It shall be mandatory for the creator(s) to assign the rights to intellectual property to the 大学 when the 大学 asserts its ownership of creations that fall within 3.B.
      1. In those instances where the 大学 licenses rights in intellectual property to third parties, the cost of licensing and protection for the property on behalf of the 大学 shall first be recaptured from any royalties received by the 大学, and the remainder of such royalty income shall be divided as agreed to by the creator(s) and the 大学.
  3. Intellectual property that results from any activities supported by a grant or a contract with federal, 州或地方政府, 或其任何机构, 非营利或以营利为目的的非政府实体, 或由私人捐赠给学院 shall be subject to ownership by the 大学 as set forth in IV.B.1-IV.B.3.
    1. The intellectual property policy of the 大学 is subject to, 因此被修正和取代, the specific terms pertaining to intellectual property rights included in federal, 州或地方的补助金或合同, or grants or contracts with nonprofit or for-profit non-governmental entities, 或者私人捐助者, 到任何冲突的程度.
    2. Creator(s) whose intellectual property creations result from a grant or contract with the federal, 州或地方州政府, 或其任何机构, 与非营利或营利的非政府实体合作, 或由私人捐赠给学院, shall make such assignment of their rights as is necessary in each case in order that the 大学 may discharge its obligation, 明示或暗示, 根据特定协议.
  4. A work made for hire is owned by the 大学 and the creator(s) shall have no rights whatsoever with respect to such work.
    1. The intellectual property policy of the 大学 is subject to, 因此被修正和取代, the specific terms of any work made for hire agreement between the 大学 and the Creator(s), 到任何冲突的程度.

V. 与集体谈判协议的冲突.

The intellectual property policy of the 大学 is subject to, 因此被修正和取代, the applicable collective bargaining agreement in effect at the time the intellectual property is created, 到任何冲突的程度.

VI. 争议解决程序.

在没有申诉程序的情况下, any dispute between a creator(s) of intellectual property and the 大学 that arises out of this policy shall be 提交ted to the Intellectual Property Rights Committee (the composition of the Committee, including the number of members and chairperson need to be determined) which shall hold a hearing and issue a written ruling on the disputed matters before it. A party aggrieved by a ruling of the Intellectual Property Rights Committee may appeal to the President of the 大学 或者他们指定的人.

7. 生效日期.

This policy is effective on the date the policy is approved by the 校董会. This policy shall apply to intellectual property created on or after this date. The rights of the parties to intellectual property created prior to the effective date of this policy shall be determined by the intellectual property law applicable to the intellectual property as of the date of its creation.
