program HD2 south j building

Education: Early Childhood Studies

Educating our Youngest

Laying a foundation for memories

Childhood amnesia, a proven phenomenon possibly tied to brain development, usually kicks in about the age of seven, 只留下之前形成的模糊记忆的碎片.

这意味着你可能不记得你在幼儿园玩过什么游戏, 你第一个最好的朋友的名字,或者当你把你的第一幅水彩画递给老师时,他/她脸上的笑容.  

But remember or not, 这是你生命中最重要的发展时期,这段经历是未来一切的基础.

And that smiling teacher helped lay the cornerstone.

For a look at all the courses in our program, consult the course list.

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Education: Early Childhood Studies

Putting theory into practice

In our program, which leads to an associate degree in applied science, you’ll be learning the theories that guide child development professionals in their important work with children and their families.


In preparation for your practicum, you’ll be introduced to:

  • 婴幼儿的身心发展
  • The role of the arts in early education
  • Childhood behaviors
  • And much more!

Ready to get started?

我们幼儿研究学院的Lisa Boni会很高兴收到你的来信! Contact her at

Work that matters!

But don’t take our word for it, 使用下面的工具查看具有马科姆大学副学士学位的职位和薪水, 如果你决定在四年制学院或大学继续你的教育,你还需要一个学士学位.

如果你在毕业前没有被学校录用,我们的 Career Services 团队可以帮助你找工作,包括润色你的简历和面试技巧.

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